New work, memories and reflections.
I have recently completed a triptych all about the work my father did with the CSIRO. It included items of his I have held onto for when the opportunity would arrive. I have sent the final work to be part of an exihibiton in my home town of Griffith, NSW. Stay tuned for more… This image is a proof print of one side of the work.
Paintings of landscapes in oils and watercolour
Rust Printing and watercolour on vintage sheet music.
Finalist in 2022 Blackstone Paper prize.
Hand painted works in watercolour and gouache
Handmade artist books.
Folded, unfolding, assembled and altered.
Gathered petal handmade book. Pressed rose petals, watercolour and hand bound in a repurposed box..
Pressed rose petals, collaged to watercolour paper and painted in watercolour. Each hand stitched into a book that extends from a repurposed box.
Etching, monotype, relief and combination.
Works on paper in a variety of media. Handmade papers, Collage, painting, printmaking, bookbinding.
Works with basketry, moulded papers and assemblage.