2023 - Art to spark conversations.

I had the privilege of working on a couple of new pieces for an Easter Exhibition at a local Church. It was an opportunity to explore a theme, and allowed me to deliberately focus on the way art can spark conversation. Here is one of those works.


2023  Dimensions  96/40/27cm. Handmade paper, pages from a vintage Atlas, stencilling and watercolour with silver gouache.

When l think of the question, who do you think l am? I think firstly of Colin McMahon's "I Am" painting, so majestic and powerful in the National Gallery Canberra. For me that links well to the concept of an eternal trinity. It is impossible to separate Jesus from Father and Holy Spirit. Throughout the Bible God is revealed as trinity, using pronouns of us, we and our. Jesus is referred to as the alpha and omega in Revelations 21:13 so in this I envisaged an eternal infinity symbol, how Jesus was always and always is.

So I encompassed my formative home landscape of the far Riverina, with the horizon going on forever, rendered in handmade paper pulp painting and backed with Altas index pages of countries represented by each letter of the alphabet a - z. Overlaying this are tissue papers and streaks of blue watercolour representing the sky and stencilled text. I have included metallic gouache of silver and gold, representing the kingdom of God, and sprinklings of earth from Wiradjuri country, representing my life which is bound in this eternal Jesus.
