May 13th will be the start of a 4 week exhibition where my own artwork, and that of my lovely niece Anna, will be on show in Springwood, NSW. So In between my school teaching days I will be focusing my efforts on completing specific works for the show.
I find it at times challenging to know when a work is finished and this has been a point of discussion with fellow artist Toni Jessop. I found a comment by a painter who felt artists need 2 friends: one to encourage you to keep going and one to smack you over the head when you need to stop. Maybe, we don’t want to smack each other over the head, but fellow artists can help us step outside of our own judgement to see things clearly. It is something I do daily with my senior students and treasure having a few artist friends I trust with such a task.
So as I observe the building and completion of art works for May I will be looking forward to sharing these with you here as well.