When accepting a commission it is an honour as well as a time for uncertainly. I start to question my ability to fulfil the brief. It is more about the way I create than the ability to complete it.
Recently I was completing a commission that came to me via my 2021 exhibition. The friends wanted it as a gift for their son’s significant birthday so there was no rush to complete it. When I began, I started 3 or 4 versions. It involved sheet music that i shoed my friend before hand and i knew the kinds of qualities she was looking for. Once completed they were delighted and chose to organise framing themselves.
However, the moment it was given to the recipient, this beautiful photo reassured me that my nerves were ill-founded, and I need to trust in my own creative efforts.
So, I will work on the other pieces I began in the process of this commission to share in the future.
"1st Violin Flora" 2022